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What About You?

WAY for caregivers to grow resilient and in control of their own lives, while giving the best possible care / support to a loved one

You’re a manager at work, who is also managing as a caregiver, managing the household and rarely managing to look after yourself.

Are you a caregiver? Perhaps you are supporting a partner through mental or physical illness, or you are a hands-on carer for a parent, or your child has additional needs. If you’re giving care and support to a loved one above and beyond “the norm” then you are a caregiver.

What others say: “Over the weeks I developed a greater self-awareness, acquired new tools and techniques, and formed new patterns of behaviour that essentially made my life easier, and reduced stress levels. I found that “the fog” lifted and I felt more in control of my life and the decisions I made.”

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You know what it’s like – when you’re at work you’re on edge, uncertain when the next problem will come up or feeling guilty that you were late because something happened or sorry that you’re not doing more to provide care and support – or mostly likely a combination. Then when you’re caring for your loved one(s) you’re still feeling guilty about work, tired and stressed about everything else that needs to be done and you end up taking frustration and anxiety out on them – the very people you are trying to look after and doing this for. You never feel like your time is your own, you have very little support and no idea where to get it from and worry that you will burn out.

The WAY programme helps busy caregivers like you to

- develop strategies to help you to be more control of your individual situation

- look at creative ways you can find time to look after yourself

- use all your skills and inner strength to the best of your potential

- see things from a clearer perspective

- connect with others in similar situations to share and support each other

Once you start using these strategies and looking after yourself, your resilience and calm will grow, which will help you, the people you care for and your relationships with them.

What others say: "It's been life-changing Fiona, thank you"

Green Bridge

The WAY programme consists of

- Six one-hour workshops and accompanying exercise sheets, each covering a topic to help you to develop strategies that work for you

- Three individual sessions to explore your unique challenges and / or dig deeper into opportunities that come out of workshops

- Access to a habit-building programme which enables you to foster routines and processes, and which works hand-in-hand with the key WAY themes

You will also be welcomed into a community of caregivers, with a Facebook group for support and additional information and monthly catch up meetings with guest speakers on a variety of topics.

The investment in WAY programme is £845

What others say: “Fiona provided a unique safe sharing space in which to relax with others, to learn from insightful content which was delivered and facilitated with a lovely, understanding manner. I hadn’t expected to have such fun in the group setting, but she offered time, blending discussions of serious life “stuff” with smatterings of creative exercises, food for thought and encouragement. Her 1:1 coaching sessions were also an opportunity to delve into finding ways forward in practical ways. It’s great to be able to think differently about the life issues we discussed

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